I wanted to put out this to get some opinions, and make certain I'm not overlooking something important.
A friend called tonight concerned that the juggler we hired for one of our Pack Meetings has been starting the process of ear gauging - he's up to the size of a pencil erasure. Does that disqualify him for our event?
My answer: No. We want to teach our children to be accepting of other ideas and cultures, so it would be wrong for us to judge an individual about their qualities as a person by something superficial. Second, by seeing it, it would give us parents an opportunity to discuss the topic with our children, and let them know why we may or may not think it is a good idea. The second seems to me to be very beneficial, as it is better to have controlled conversations about things, rather than shelter our children and then have to have the conversation after they've done something.
Have I overlooked some other important consideration?
No. I don't think you have overlooked some other consideration. Children cannot live in a cocoon. As you pointed out, you have the opportunity to discuss why you might have an issue with ear gouging.