Barbecues are fun. Especially large group barbecues. Everyone pitching in to see that the food is cooked, the serving line manned, everything necessary is available. Kind words exchanged, small groups breaking off to have conversation - kids playing tug-of-war.
After the food is served, some participate as actors, some as honored members, some as spectators. The roles will change for the next. Since this particular BBQ was to celebrate the growth and development of some youngsters, there were proud parents and proud kids to go along with the ceremony.
And new faces. New members to the group, watching and participating for the first time. Feeling the welcome camaraderie of being part of something good, something significant, of belonging.
At times like these it is hard to believe there is strife, that there are disagreements. It is a welcome diversion from the awareness that not all agree with us. We can agree on so much, participate together in so much, have so much in common. Different though we may be, we look at our children, and together invest our time and energy to see to their development, and concur that it is a very important thing to do. We become like-minded, and briefly imagine the rest of the world may be, too.
I like barbecues.
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