Thursday, October 1, 2009

Peter Galbraith in the News

One of the towering figures of the 20th century Economics profession was John Kenneth Galbraith. He wrote prolifically, and looked at economics from often a different viewpoint - a very humane view that questioned whether the economy was helping everyone. His writing is accessible and enjoyable - not something every economics professor can pull off!

Interestingly, his children have also entered very public roles: James K. Galbraith as an economics professor at University of Texas at Austin, who speaks out prominently against economic inequality and war. And, his older son Peter, has been a high profile U.S. ambassador, to Croatia, East Timor, and most recently, Afghanistan.

Peter Galbraith is in the news, as he has just been recalled (fired) from his post in Afghanistan, following a dispute he had with the senior U.N. official there about the large scale election fraud that took place during the recent election that retained Hamid Kharzi in power.

Enough of a preamble: You can read his letter to the NY Times, and listen to an interview on NPR's On-Point.

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